Monday, February 05, 2007

Famous Phrases, Part I

Cogito ergo sum - I think therefore I am.
-Rene Descartes
Translation: Our realities are determined, or at least greatly influenced, by how we see things.
Vendi, Vidi, Vici - I came, I saw, I conquered.
-Julius Caesar

Translation: Just something that the Conqueror said once upon a time.

Wow. I had totally nothing to write, but I didn't want to neglect posting too long, so I decided to list two Latin phrases that are famous. There's nothing to get the philosophical juices flowing like nothing else. I would write all the philosophical things that came to mind, but I decided to write about the irony of instant-philosophy. Philosophy means "the love of wisdom", according to Wikipedia. That is a great source for all types of information, by the way.
The way things are and the way we see things is very different, but the reality that we perceive will eventually meet, if we aspire to it enough. That can be good or bad. Who we are and who we are becoming will constantly get closer, yet never meet. Like a rational function with asymptotes. Sorry about that, a little math verbiage there. Google it. Until next time, insert catch-phrase here.

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